dimanche 16 février 2014

Prince héréditaire Alexander von Isenburg

Le prince héréditaire Alexander Wolfgang Georg Paul Maria von Isenburg, né le 16 juin 1969, est le fils aîné de Franz Alexander, Fürst von Isenburg 1943- et de la comtesse Christine von Saurna, baronne von und zu der Jeltsch 1941-
Dans un communiqué, le 13 février, il a été annoncé que le prince épousera cet été le Dr. Sarah Lorenz, née à Munich le 12 février 1981, spécialisée en chirurgie plastique qui a travaillé dans un hôpital de Munich. Le mariage religieux se déroulera en Haute-Bavière en juillet 2014 (1).

Le prince héréditaire Alexander a trois soeurs et un frère:

1-princesse Katharina von Isenburg 1971, mariée avec l'archiduc Martin d'Autriche (Este),
2-princesse Isabelle von Isenburg 1973, mariée avec Carl Fürst zu Wied,
3-princesse Sophie von Isenburg 1978, mariée avec le prince Georg Friedrich de Prusse,
4-prince Viktor von Isenburg 1979, marié avec Jungeun Anés Lee.

(1) Gelnhaeuser-tageblatt

108 commentaires:

  1. martin de habsbourg lorraine, archiduc d'autriche este

  2. Le prince héritier Alexander Wolfgang von Isenburg.

  3. Ce n'est pas Martin mais il peut dire: mon beau-frère et mon neveu vont se marier cet été

    1. Etes-vous sûr du terme beau-frère??

    2. L'archiduc Martin peut dire: mon beau-frère et mon neveu vont se marier cet été ou tout moins cette année

    3. ce n'est évidemment pas Martin, mais reconnaissez qu'on pouvait y penser car il y a entre eux une vraie ressemblance physique

  4. Descendant de Marie-Therese d'Autriche et de Louis XIV, Il est l'ainé de sa fratrie mais le dernier à se marier. Sa fiancée, comme l'épouse de son frère, n'appartient pas à la noblesse. Ses soeurs, en revanche, ont toutes convolé dans le Gotha.

    1. non seulement elles ont convolé dans le Gotha mais avec des princes de premier plan; désormais il n'y a plus que les non régnants pour faire des mariages aussi beaux et traditionnels

  5. hervé :prince heritaire alexandre d'ysembourg

  6. Prince Alexandre d'Ysembourg

  7. Le prince Alexander zu Isenburg, futur époux de Sarah Lorenz.

  8. Marie-Claire + Nicole16 février 2014 à 04:54

    Prince Alexander von Isenburg

  9. Alexander d'Isembourg, frère de l'épouse du prince Frédéric-Georges de Prusse

  10. pronce alexandre d isembourg

  11. prince alexander d'issembourg

  12. Alexander Wolfang zu Isenburg

  13. Le prince Alexandre von Isembourg

  14. Alexander von Isenburg

  15. SAS le Prince Héritier Alexandre d' Isembourg

  16. le prince Alexander d'Isenburg, né en 1969

  17. Prince héritier Alexander d'Isembourg.

  18. Une de ses sœurs ayant épousé un descendant de la reine Victoria a eu des jumeaux

    1. Françoise LASSALLE16 février 2014 à 16:36

      il faudrait qu'un spécialiste du droit successoral-dynastique nous précise ce qui est prévu lorsqu'une paire de jumeaux est en première ligne pour recueillir la couronne, même si celle-ci n'existe plus

    2. Celui qui est né le premier .

  19. Le prince Alexander Héritier d'Isembourg qui vient de se fiancer avec Sarah LORENZ.

  20. un frere de Sophie de Prusse née Ysenbourg ?

  21. prince héritier Alexander d’Isembourg, fils aîné du prince franz Alexander d’Isembourg, chef de la famille princière et de la comtesse Christine von Saurma

  22. Alexander Von Isenburg

  23. Bravo à celles et ceux qui ont reconnu ce prince.

  24. Well Prince Alexander now is the Prince of Isenburg,the Head of the Family,since his Father Franz Alexander died on May 5th the Funeral was on May 19th in Bierstein. He also has a brother named Victor he is married to a Lady named Jungeun Anes Lee,they have a daughter Amalie born in 2016 and a new baby born 2018,no clue wenn.This Family is very private, but it should be updated. I hope the new member of the Family is a little boy. Read this info,on Ysenburg Royal.

  25. Sadly at the funeral of Prince Franz Alexander there had been no photos of the family per say. there was one photo of the family lead by the prince and pss Alexander. I did see prince Victor but not Pss Jungeun. They just had a baby #2. No info of what it is boy or girl, I for one hope for a little boy. If anyone knows something please update or respond. Thank you.

  26. Hello, if anyone reading this and have the information of the name and sex of the second child of Prince Victor and Pss Jungeun of Isenburg born in May 2018. Would be wonderful to know, I really hope it is a little boy.This Family is very private I respect that but I would love to see a photo of this young Family. At Ysenburg- Royalyguide.nl it only states child 2018 and Pss Amalia 2016. If anyone know, please respond Thank you.

  27. Just found out at the Royal Birth blog, that Prince Victor and Pss Jungeun of Isenburg have a second daughter her name is Victoria. She will be Baptized in Munich on Aug. 19th. She the little Pss was born a few day's after Prince Franz Alexander passed away, sadly he could not meet the new addition to the Family. That makes it 15 Grandchildren for Pss Christina. Hope we see a photo or two. BTW Pss Amalia was also born in May in 2016 and Baptized in Munich also Aug 19th. I wish the young Family the best.

  28. In two day's little Pss Victoria of Isenburg will be Baptized in Munich,just like her sister Pss Amalia. I wish we get to see a photo or two,of the Family of 4 And the Babies.Would really be very nice. Let's hope maybe someone will be there and take a photo.

  29. Today Pss Victoria of Isenburg is or was Baptizrd in Munich. Does anybody of the European posters heard or maybe seen them?.

  30. on Ysenburg-Royaltyguide.nl it states the Name and year the second child of Prince and Pss Victor of Isenburg was born, but not at the Isenburg Angelfire ?

  31. Who is posting on Isenburg Angelfire,Thank you for adding the latest child of Prince and Pss Victor of Isenburg. Finally Pss Victoria was added. Thanks again.

  32. Today Jan 12th is the 39th Birthday of Pss Jungeun Anes of Isenburg. She was born on this date in 1980 in Deagu, S.Korea. On Oct 5th 2013 she married Prince Victor of Isenburg. They have two daughters. Pss Amalia 2016 and Pss Victoria 2018. Her Brother in Law is the Prince Alexander. Sisters in Law's are Pss Katherina ADss of Austria Este. Pss Dowager Isabella of Wied Pss Sophie , the Pss of Prussia. Her Brother's in Law's are AD od Austria Este Prince Carl of Wied deceased in 2015 and HIRH Prince Georg Friedrich of Prussia and of course her sister in Law Pss Sarah and 13 Nieces and Nephews. I wish Pss Jungeun a very happy Birthday.

  33. A very happy 41st Birthday to HI&RH Pss Sophie of Prussia,nee Isenburg.Must have a grand party with all the siblings and eleven nieces and nephews, the youngest Pss Amalia and Victoria and four of her own children. Want to be a fly on the wall.

  34. A very happy 4th Birthday to Pss. Emma Marie of Prussia. Her parents are Pss Sophie on Prussia nee Isenburg and Prince George Friedrich of Prussia. She also has 3 brothers and 11 cousins.

  35. Today is the 40st Birthday of Prince Victor of Isenburg.He is married to Jungeun Anes they have 2 little girls. Pss's Amalia and Victoria.He also has a brother Prince Alexander and 3 sisters, ADss Katherina of Austria, Isabella Pss of Wied and Sophie the Pss of Prussia.A sister in law Pss Sarah, brothers in law AD Martin of Austria Prince Carl of Wied deceased and HI&RH Prince George Friedrich of Prussia and 13 nieces and nephews. A very happy Birthday to him.

  36. Happy Birthday to the Dowager Pss. Isabella of Wied.

  37. Happy 3rd Birthday to Pss Amalia of Isenburg and 1st Birthday to Pss Victoria of Isenburg.Their parents are Prince Victor and Pss Jungeun of Isenburg. They have 13 cousins. Must be a great and loud party.

  38. Congratulations to Prince Alexander and Pss Sarah of Isenburg,They are expecting their 3rd child due date was not announced. They have two daughters Pss's Alix 2015 and Zita 2017.

  39. Pss Sarah of Isenburg's 3rd child will be born in 2019, maybe Pss Jungeun will have a other child maybe 2020. Then since 2015 there was a baby every year. Well I can hope can hope that each has a boy.

  40. Hello, does anyone know when the little Prince or Pss of Isenburg is to enter this world?. Would be nice to get more Information about it. Maybe Pss. Victor will soon get a 3rd baby too. Pss Chistina the mother of Prince Alexander must be looking forward to welcome her 16th Grandchild or more.

  41. I just seen photos of the wedding of the Fuerst Otto to Castell Ruedenhausen with Sophia Mautner.Amongst the guest's are Prince Georg Friedrich and Sophie of Preussen with 3 of their 4 children, the twin boys and Emma. These are very beautiful children and already growing so fast. Time really does fly one can see it by the children.

  42. I played around the Isenburg site and found some pic's of Fuerst Alexander's 50st Birthday,he celebrated in June 2019.There I seen a pic of Pss Sarah she is at least 6 or 7 months pregnant which is great. I also found a pic of Prince Victor holding a little girl in his arms,with dark hair and a bow,must be his oldest daughter Pss Amalie never seen a pic of her, sadly there were no pic's of Jungeun and their youngest child Victoria or the other siblings. Pss Amalie seems to do afer her father in height and she is only 3 years old. A cute little girl.

  43. Seen this morning some pic's of Prince Alexander and Pss Sarah of Isenburg. At the RF , Isenburg site They were in Salzburg Austria for an Opera performance. Sarah wore a lovely gown.Her baby bump is very prominent now. I think her baby will be born sometime in August or September, could be wrong.

  44. Congratulation to the Princely couple Alexander and Dr. Sarah of Isenburg,on the occasion of the happy event, the birth of their 3rd child HP Franz Salvator Ferdinand of Isenburg born on the 8th of Aug 2019.Welcome to the world,little Prince.

  45. I just noticed that the HP Franz Salvator of Isenburg has not been added to the Ysenburg Travel guide. There are Pss Alix and Zita. I don't know who takes care of this site. Thank you.

  46. Well it is done, someone updated the Ysenbrg-Royalty site and added Prince Franz to the site.Who ever you are Thank you.

  47. Today I saw the first pic of the HP Franz Salvator of Isenburg. The pic is on the Royal Musings site. Very cute little baby.

  48. Happy 48th Birthday to ADss Katherina of Austria nee Pss of Isenburg.

  49. I just seen in Bunte Magazine #43 from Oct.10th pic's from the Baden wedding. Pss, Aglae of Baden married a Mr von Trotha. Guests Q Sofia of Spain, Pss of Leiningen Baden and Prince Victor and Pss Jungeun of Isenburg. What beautiful pics.Pss. Jungeun looked stunning I must say.Check it out if it peeks your interest.

  50. I also like to wish a very happy 48th Birthday to ADss Katherina of Austria nee Pss of Isenburg.

  51. This site must be CLOSED for comments. I posted a couple of them ,they were never posted. Well it was fun while it lasted. Thank you,for posting everything else I commented on in the past. Have a lovely day.

  52. Does anyone know when the HP Franz Salvator of Isenburg will be baptized? Thank you for posting everything. Have a nice day.

  53. I seen today a small picture Gallery from the baptism of the little HP Franz of Isenburg.Very lovely Family-gathering. Also seen Prince Victor and Jungeun there and their two little girls,sadly one could only see them from the back.Pss Victoria holding on to her mothers hand while Pss Amalie walked behind her sister. Both wore a gray dress with a light pink cardigan and pink bows in their hair. Maybe more pic's will be released. The little Prince is very cute,he could care less, that everything was about him. Congrats to the proud and happy parents.

  54. Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to the Royal Family if Isenburg.

  55. I forgot, on Jan 12th Pss Jungeun of Isenburg celebated her 40st Birthday. Happy Birthday pss Victor of Isenburg.

  56. I like to wish the Pss Sophie of Prussia nee Isenburg a very happy 42th Bithday.

  57. A nother year has passed and it is the 41st Birthday of Prince Victor of Isenburg. May he have a joyous day with his family.

  58. A happy 47th Birthday to the Dowager Pss Isabella of Wied nee Isenburg.

  59. It is the month of May. This month Pss's Amalia and Victoria of Isenburg celebrate their Birthday. Pss Amalia will be 4 and Pss Victoria will be 2. A very happy Birthday to the two cuties. But this month is also a sad reminder the passing of the Prince of Isenburg on may 5th 2018.

  60. A very happy Birthday to HIRH Prince Georg Friedrich of Prussia.His Wife is HIRH Pss Sophie of Prussia,nee Isenburg. They has 4 children 3son's and one daughter. He has a BIL Prince Alexander of Isenburg, ADss Katherina of Austria, Dowager Pss of Wied Prince Victor. His SIL and BIL are, Pss Sara of Isenburg,AD Martin of Austria,Prince of Wied deceased and Pss Jungeun Anes of Isenburg.And 16 nieces and nephews. Have a very happy Birthday.

  61. I believe the Princely Houses of Isenburg and Saxe Coburg Gotha are friends so I hope I can post this here. Happy 2nd Wedding Anniversary to Pss Stephanie of S C G and Mr Jan Stahl. And many more to come.

  62. How nice,in four day's it will be the 1st Birthday of the HP Franz Salvator of Isenburg.A very happy Birthday, with lots of presents and fun. Hope we get to see the change from baby to a toodler.

  63. A very happy 1st Birthday to the HP Franz Salvator of Isenburg. He shares this happy day with Pss Beatrice of York Css Mapelli Mozzi and Prince Ferdinand of Leiningen. Nice lineup. Little Prince have lots of fun and a huge amount of presents. Would be nice to see a few pic's.

  64. Happy 7th Wedding Anniversary to Prince Victor and Pss Jungeun of Isenburg. The Rel Ceremony was at Bruck an der Leitha in Austria. They are parents to two cute little girls, Pss's Amalia born May 2016 and Victoria May 2018. Many more happy Anniversaries.

  65. A happy 49th Birthday, to ADss Katherina of Austria nee Pss of Isenburg.

  66. One question to anyone, is there a picture some where. Pss Jungeun Anes wearing a Tiara? I seen a small pic in Bunte Magazine the just married couple dancing. She wore a beautiful white dress and veil,but no Tiara. There was never a wedding picture posted.

  67. A Merry Christmas and a Happy new Year for the Princely Family's of Isenburg.

  68. My Birthday wishes for Pss Jungeun of Isenburg did not get published, must have forgotten to send it. A belated 41st Birthday for the Pss Victor of Isenburg. Her Birthday was Jan 12th.

  69. A very happy Easter to the Isenburg Princely Family.

  70. On April 17th Prince Victor of Isenburg turned 42. A very happy Birthday to HSH and many more.

  71. One year has passed and we are in the month of May. A very happy Birthday to the Pss Amalia for her 5th and Victoria for her 3rd of Isenburg. May the little Pss have a great Birthday and lots of presents. Their parents are Prince Victor and Pss Jungeun of Isenburg. I wish the family share a photo with us.

  72. A very happy 10 year Wedding Anniversary, to their I RH Prince Georg Friedrich and Pss Sophie of Prussia, nee Isenburg. May they have many more Anniversary's.

  73. Well here we go again. A nother wedding anniversary for Isenburg. Prince Victor and Pss Jungeun celebrate their 8th Wedding anniversary on Sept 26th civ. and Oct 5th rel. Wedding. I wish them the best and many more happy years together.

  74. I just found some beautiful photos of the newlyweds Prince and Pss of Schaumburg Lippe and some of the guests.Amongst them a very lovely pic of Prince Victor and Pss Jungeun of Isenburg. The Prince and pss Alexander and Sarah, I seen earlier. Pss Jungeun wore a very lovely pink dress also liked the headband i am usually not a big fan I rather like hats. It was very nice to see them again. Thank you to whoever posted them.

  75. A very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to everyone of the Princely Family of Isenburg.

  76. A very happy New Year to the Princely family of Isenburg.

  77. Today I like to wish HSH Pss Jungeun Anes of Isenburg a very happy 42nd Birthday. May she celebrate many more.

  78. A very happy 44th Birthday to HI&RH Pss Sophie of Prussia, nee Pss of Isenburg.

  79. Happy Easter to the Isenburg Royal Family.

  80. Today Easter Sunday is April 17th and the 43rd Birthday of Prince Victor of Isenburg. May he enjoy many more, with his family. Happy Easter.

  81. I like to wish a very happy 6th Birthday to Pss Amalia of Isenburg and a happy 4th Birthday to her sister Pss Victoria of Isenburg.. Hope they had the greatest and best day , with gifts and celebration.

  82. I like to wish HIRH Prince Georg Friedrich of Prussia a very happy Birthday. He is Pss Sophie of Isenburg's husband, father of four children.

  83. A very happy Christmas and a blessed New Year, for the Princely Family of Isenburg. To Prince Alexander and Pss Sarah and Family, also Prince Victor and Pss Jungeun and Family.

  84. I like to congratulate Pss Jungeun of Isenburg on the occasion of her 43rd Birthday on January 12th.May it be a very special day for her.

  85. I like to wish the Princely Families of Isenburg a happy Eastern.

  86. Today, I like to wish HSH Prince Victor of Isenburg a very happy 44th birthday. May he celebrate many more with his family.

  87. The month of May is here and so is the Birthday's of Pss's Amalia and Victoria of Isenburg. The daughters of Prince Victor and Pss Jungeun of Isenburg. May they have the best of day, lots of fun and celebrations and presents. A very happy Birthday Pss Amalia and Pss Victoria.

  88. May is the 5th Anniversary of the death of Prince Alexander's father. May he be remembered by family and friends.

  89. Yesterday May 20, 2023, I seen Prince Victor and Pss Jungeun at the Wedding of Prince Ludwig of Bavaria and Sophie Alexandra. Pss Jungeun wore a multicolor skirt and a pink top and also a pink coat and fascinator. This outfit was a bit underwhelming. For me to much pink. But in the evening at the Wedding Reception at Schloss Schleissheim, she looked stunning with a beautiful Salmon color gown and a lovely Tiara. This is the first time I seen her wearing a Tiara. I must say Pss Jungeun was a showstopper. What a great look. Her SIL, the Pss of Prussia wore the Prussian Tiara I really love this one. I see Pss Kira wearing it on some occasion. I am so happy that there had been lots of pics and they were part of them. Sadly we don't see Prince Victor and Pss Jungeun and with the children more often.

  90. HI&RH Prince Georg Friedrich von Preussen had a Birthday. I wish him a happy Birthday and many more.

  91. What a nice surprise to see Prince Victor at an event. Maybe he and Pss Jungeun stop at the Oktoberfest. Hope there will be pics if they visit there.

  92. Today Oct 5th is the 10th anniversary of Prince Victor and Pss Jungeun of Isenburg. Happy Anniversary and many more years together.

  93. Christmas greetings to everyone and a happy New Year to TSH The von Isenburg Family.

  94. A happy belated 43rd Birthday to Pss Jungeun Anes of Isenburg. Many more Happy Birthdays.

  95. I like to wish the Princely Family of Isenburg, a Happy Easter.

  96. A very happy 45th birthday to HSH Prince Victor of Isenburg. And many happy returns.

  97. I like to wish the two little daughters of TSH Prince Victor and Pss Jungeun of Isenburg best wishes for their Birthday. Pss Amalia and Pss Victoria. They will be 6 and 8 years old in May. It will also be 6 years since, since the Death of Their Grandfather .

  98. A very happy 8th Birthday to Pss Amalia of Isenburg and a happy 6th Birthday to her sister Pss Victoria of Isenburg. Many many more.
